Somnodent MAS

Somnodent MAS SomnoDent® is a custom made device worn during sleep to increase the upper airway volume and reduce collapsibility. SomnoDent® Flex device utilizes a unique patented fin coupling component, maximizing patient comfort and compliance. This is made from a...


Oasys The OASYS Oral/Nasal Airway System™ treats the two major causes of sleep disordered breathing by addressing upper airway resistance in the nasal region and blockage in the throat region. The OASYS is FDA approved as a medical device in two separate...


Narval The Narval CC™ is a custom-made mandibular repositioning device (MRD). It has patented physiological articulation and unique comfortable splints to optimize patient acceptance and treatment efficacy. Thousands of patients benefit from this simple yet effective...


Moses The Moses® appliance has improved on the simple MAD designs of the past to incorporate tongue management. It actually activates reflexes to advance the tongue. It lowers elevator muscle activity, reduces clenching, decreasing bruxism. The two part design is...